State Council Members 2024

  • Other roles: Website, Promotions, Cookbook Committee. APWM Rep.

    Roslyn lives in Bayside, Melbourne, where her husband recently retired from the ministry at Cheltenham PC. As a child she was inspired by missionaries to the New Hebrides, and has had an interest in missions ever since. She spent one year with SIM in Niger, and first became involved with PWMU as a young mother at Woolsthorpe, near Warrnambool.

    Ros is passionate about reaching out to newcomers in Australia, so has been involved in teaching EAL (English) for over a decade. Music and swimming are two of her loves. She has four grown children and 10 grandchildren.

  • Other roles: Newsletter Editor, History, Library, Prayer Convenor.

    Alison has been a member at Clayton Presbyterian Church for over 20 years, where she serves as a Sunday School teacher, Missions Coordinator, Safe Church Representative and is on the playgroup team. She became involved with PWMU in 2019 when she responded to a request for someone to write a recent history of PWMU. Her husband is Session Clerk in their congregation, and they have three adult children.

  • Rosalie grew up on a dairy farm. She attended a Billy Graham Crusade where the good news of Christ’s work was explained to her. On becoming a Christian, she attended Camperdown Presbyterian Church, where she met her husband, Tom. They both taught Sunday School and attended Youth For Christ events. Tom’s parents were active in the church, and through their example, God led Tom and Rosalie to appreciate the reformed viewpoint. They have both developed an interest in missions over the years and Rosalie has been involved in PWMU for about 15 years. They have three daughters and seven grandchildren.

  • Other roles: Membership, Vice-president.

    Gaye grew up in a Christian home and committed her life to the Lord at a Billy Graham Crusade. Gaye’s interest in missions developed when she and her husband supported a friend serving in Africa. They later supported a couple from their church, sent to Africa by Wycliffe to undertake bible translation. Becoming a member of PWMU increased Gaye’s knowledge of mission work, both in Australia and overseas. Gaye is also involved in her own church’s mission program.

  • Sue’s family migrated from England when she was a child. While living at a migrant hostel in Adelaide, she attended a Gospel Hall Sunday School and, for the first time, heard the Gospel. In due course, she grew to appreciate the wonderful grace of God and gladly realised that Jesus had died for her. As a young Christian, Sue loved reading missionary biographies and this fuelled her ongoing interest in gospel work both here and overseas. She and her husband now live in Geelong where they enjoy being part of the Geelong West Presbyterian Church. Sue’s husband, three children and 11 grandchildren bring her much joy – most of the time!

  • Other roles: Hospitality.

    Jayni attends Belgrave Heights Presbyterian Church. She has had an interest in the work of PWMU since being involved in missionary endeavours in Malawi in 2010 with her husband and their five boys. She has previously worked as a journalist and has edited several booklets and books for local writers. Her interests include reading, history and knitting.

  • Other roles: APWM Representative, Stamps.

    Robyn has been a member at Drouin Presbyterian Church for almost 40 years. She became involved with PWMU after retiring from her work as a primary teacher. She enjoys writing for children and the young at heart, and also enjoys reading missionary biographies. Robyn’s interest in mission work began during her Sunday School years.