Book of Remembrance

The Book of Remembrance is a register in which the names of deceased PWMU members can be inscribed as a lasting memorial. Branches or individuals may apply to have the name of a member added to the book. A donation is required as ‘payment’ for the privilege, which is sent to Kirkbrae Presbyterian Homes, located at the foot of Mount Dandenong in Melbourne.

Book of Memorial Donations

The Book of Memorial Donations is a register in which the names of deceased persons may be inscribed if a member or branch wish to donate to a PWMU worker in that person’s memory. Donations that do not have a worker’s name attached will be sent to whichever cross-cultural worker Council decides on. Both members and non-members may be inscribed in the book.

The book is also used to record the names of people who have left a bequest to PWMU.

If you require more donation forms, please click the button below and download to your computer to print out.